Among the most tormented cases of the penal code, the crime of abuse of office pursuant to art. 323 c.p. over the years it has been the subject of a series of rewriting interventions that have significantly changed its original physiognomy. With the most recent reformulation, implemented with the discussed technique...

L’art. 2634 c.c. provides for the criminal case of patrimonial infidelity and states: The administrators, the general managers and liquidators, that, having an interest in conflict with that of the company, for the purpose of obtaining an unfair profit or other advantage for oneself or others, they do....

The hypothesis of failure to keep accounting records can fall within the scope of documentary bankruptcy, but only if it is ascertained that the purpose of the omission was to cause harm to creditors, given that otherwise it would be impossible to distinguish this case from that one, similar from a material point of view, Preview...

Criminal tax law punishes the violation of tax rules, i.e. the rules regarding taxes. The tax rules are designed to protect the interest of the financial administration in the exercise of assessment powers, control and collection of taxes. Despite the innovations introduced by Law no. 157/2019,...

When the judicial police officer collects information from the suspect, in the absence of the defender, to ascertain the actual consummation of a crime, they are not usable, pursuant to Article. 350, co. 6, c.p.p. . Nor could it be invoked, in a different sense, the special discipline contained in the article 220 of the provisions of ...

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the trial period you access...

Cannabis light refers to cannabis inflorescences that have a low THC content. The quantitative data of this active principle, which must be referred to in relation to the lawfulness of cultivation and consequent marketing, is established by Law no. 242/2016, which limits cultivation,...

The Naples Bar Association is the oldest in the world. It was established in 1780 by Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. L'albo was compiled in order to establish the Neapolitan College of Advocates, a pragmatic of the King who established and regulated the Bar Association of Naples. Fu un...

John Falcone in 1992, at the first meeting of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at the United Nations, he hoped for the introduction of supranational legislation aimed at combating forms of organized crime. The achieved awareness of the...

The right to be forgotten, recognized for the first time by European jurisprudence in the Google Spain SL case, Google Inc. vs. AEPD, Mario Costeja Gonzále (case C-131/12), is the right to obtain the elimination of personal data by the cd. intermediary (es. search engine), if the interested party....