Cannabis light refers to cannabis inflorescences that have a low THC content. The quantitative data of this active principle, which must be referred to in relation to the lawfulness of cultivation and consequent marketing, is established by Law no. 242/2016, which limits cultivation,...

Rehabilitation is an institute of substantial law counted among the extinguishing causes of the sentence and, as such, governed by the articles of the Criminal Code 178-181. It aims to facilitate the amendment of the offender by reintegrating him into the juridical position enjoyed until the conviction is pronounced through the elimination of the consequences..

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the probationary period accessed by the suspect /...

L’art. 656 c.p.p. It represents a transition from procedural cognitive phase, that ends with the res judicata of the judgment, to the execution phase, in which shall be put into execution of the sentence. The procedural order gives the p.m. the duty to issue the order ...

With reference to the crime of concealing or destroying accounting records (ex art. 10 d.lgs. 74/2000), when you can't rebuild, not even partially, the income and volume of business, cannot be located, nell’an e, However, net amount, any tax due, so that ...

To define the exact moment from which to count the expiry of the limitation period of the building crime, the nature of this criminal offense must first be established. Therefore, it will be necessary to establish whether the infringement provided for by art. 44 del T.U. of construction possesses the characteristics of a permanent offense or ...

The causes of justification o, objective causes for the exclusion of the crime, also known as exigencies or causes of lawfulness, they are particular situations in the presence of which a fact, which otherwise would be considered a crime, this is not because the law allows it, impose it or....

The impaired defense is a common aggravating circumstance that occurs, ex art. 61 co. 1 n. 5, when the offender has committed the crime by taking advantage of a weak situation of the offended person, weakness generally related to time, to the place, or to a particular ...

The subject of the prescription, starting from its nature, substantive rather than procedural, it is one of the most debated for the issues it raises in the relationship between domestic and European law. While the dialogue between national and European Courts is still ongoing, the institution of the statute of limitations is al ...