The preliminary hearing before celebrating the G.U.P., and its function is to ensure that the judge checks the validity and the merits of the indictment formulated by p.m. . In addition to this, It can act as a seat for advance definition of the procedure, could the ...

On the subject of corporate liability, in the presence of a declaration of prescription of the predicate offense, the judge, pursuant to Article. 8, co. 1, became. B, del d.lgs. 231/2001, must proceed with the autonomous assessment of the administrative responsibility of the legal person of the legal person in whose interest ...

For the purposes of recognition or exclusion of the minor fact ex art. 73, co. 5, D.P.R. 309/90, the overall evaluation of the indices listed by the provision in question is necessary. Only then after the overall evaluation of all the indices that determine the typical profile ...

All fraudulent tax crimes, and therefore also that of tax fraud, are suitable are suitable to act as a prerequisite for money laundering because the reference in art. 648 to c.p. the 'other utilities' may well include the cost savings that the agent obtains by avoiding ...

There is the aggravating circumstance of the 'impaired defense' in the hypothesis of fraud committed through the sale of products online; in this case, the distance between the victim's location, who usually pays the price of the goods sold in advance, and what in which, instead, and...

The discriminating case of self-defense, resulting from the changes introduced by Law. 36/19, postulates as additional requirements to that of proportion (ex art. 52 c.p.), the commission of a trespass by the aggressor; the legitimate presence of the agent in the places of the illicit predatory intrusion..

The abuse of means of correction or discipline, provided for and punished by art. 571 c.p., consists in the inappropriate use of methods, tools and, However, corrective or educational behaviors, ordinarily permitted by general and sector regulations, as well as from pedagogical science. In the school environment, indeed, the power....

The warranty information is the act by which the p.m. It informs the suspect debit provisional moved, with laws that are to be violated, the date and place of the event taken as a criminal whereby it was invited to appoint a defender of trust. The alert notification ...

The crime of persecutory acts is supplemented by the conduct of bullying by the employer who puts in place a targeted reiteration of multiple attitudes converging in expressing hostility towards the employee and preordained for his mortification and isolation in the workplace: Employer's conduct..

While in the hypothesis of prescriptive judicial control by public initiative (ex art. 34 to d.lgs. 159/11) the assessment of the prerequisite of the concrete danger of mafia infiltration, suitable to condition economic activities and companies, it is reserved exclusively for the prevention judge -...