In offenses committed on national territory by an individual citizen also to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Holy See, the canonical trial before the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the organs does not preclude the renewal of trial in Italy for the same acts, not being that of the 'ne ...

Justices of Appeal, in potential reforms of the acquittal of first degree on the basis of a different appreciation of the statements - the decisive nature - She made by the expert or consultant before the first degree Judge, has the obligation to renew ....

On the subject of theft, where the agent, operating in the same temporal and spatial context, It comes into possession of a piece of property and fails, for reasons beyond their control, to take possession of other existing in the same place, It is realized only consumed a crime, not being able to ...

The legislative decree. 74/2000 split two hypotheses sanctioning in case of non-payment of withholding certified and non-payment of VAT. Pursuant to Article 10-bis of Legislative Decree. 74/2000, entitled omitted payment of withholding certificate, It shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to two years anyone who does not pay, within the time limit set for the ...

On the issue of test, the alibi failed to be considered as an element completely agnostic in terms of evidence and, therefore, which has not been even a hint; only in the case in which it was acquired aliunde proof of the responsibility it may constitute a supplementary element, closing date.

The mere possession of stolen goods can be considered capable of proving that the holder is the author of the subtraction provided it helps other elements including the temporal, acts to exclude the origin of the possession from another source: to the effect, possession of the stolen goods within a very short distance of...

L’art. 656 c.p.p. It represents a transition from procedural cognitive phase, that ends with the res judicata of the judgment, to the execution phase, in which shall be put into execution of the sentence. The procedural order gives the p.m. the duty to issue the order ...

He risks a sentence for false ideology that the bankruptcy trustee, in its report, deviates from the peaceful principles, affirmed by the Court of legitimacy regarding bankruptcy crimes. The activities of the curator can not, indeed, be considered completely discretionary and therefore out of the range of ...

On the issue of libel or online publications journalistic tone, in order to set up exonerating the year of the record or right to criticize, conduct does not constitute in itself such as the fulfillment of the required burden of doing, in terms of content ...