The offense of assisted suicide (art. 580 c.p.) It is not unconstitutional, the working and the protection of the right to life, especially of people who could be induced to an extreme and irreparable chosen by conditions of weakness and vulnerability. These protection requirements are ...

On the subject of bankruptcy crimes, is configurable contest the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy by a person unrelated to failure if it is found, As to the subjective element, the voluntary nature of dell'extraneus conduct intake to that dell'intraneus, with the understanding that it determines a depletion ...

duration containment Action few seconds realized by a police officer against a demonstrator: there is no private violence. He specified the V Chamber of the Supreme Court, pointing out that, the integration of domestic violence crime, it is necessary that the ...

Reform Assuming exculpatory sense of a sentence, The judge of appeal has no obligation to renew the hearing education by examining the individuals who have made statements deemed decisive for the conviction of first degree. However, the Court of Appeal, previous,...

The diversity of drugs object of the conduct is not in itself an impediment to the configurability of the offense under Article. 73, co. 5, D.P.R. 309/90, since it is necessary to make an overall assessment of the elements of the specific case selected in relation to all ...

For the configurability of the attempt detect not only the real executive acts, but also those acts that, while being classified as preparatory, do good reason to believe that the agent, He is having definitively prepared the criminal plan in every detail, He has started to implement, that the action has the ...

L’art. 7 of D, L. 152/1991 provides an aggravation of the penalty for the crimes committed under the conditions provided for in Article 416bis C.P., which incriminates the mafia-type associations, including foreign, or committed in order to facilitate the activities of these associations. The provision in question is split, therefore,...

The stolen goods is a criminal offense is provided for by Article. 648 c.p., punishing those who buy, He receives or conceals money or property deriving from any crime, or otherwise become involved in acquiring, receiving or concealing. The rationale underlying this crime is that prior to it either ...

The preliminary hearing before celebrating the G.U.P., and its function is to ensure that the judge checks the validity and the merits of the indictment formulated by p.m. . In addition to this, It can act as a seat for advance definition of the procedure, could the ...

The decree of summons to judgment is the act by which the p.m. prosecutes citing the accused to appear directly before the Judge Tribunal and is covered by the 'art. 552 c.p.p. . With this mode of vocatio in ius, being the p.m. to adopt the decree,...