The provision pursuant to art 648 to c.p., in predicting the criminal figure of money laundering, sanctions – except in cases of complicity in the crime – anyone who replaces or transfers money, goods or other benefits deriving from an intentional crime, or does in relation to them..

Whoever, outside the cases provided for by the article 285, in order to kill, carries out acts that endanger public safety and is punished, if the event results in the death of several people, with life imprisonment. If the death of only one person is caused, life imprisonment applies. In every....

The events of the criminal immunity of Parliamentarians in the Republican period are marked by a watershed: the l. cost. 29 October 1993, n. 3, which decisively modified the original structure of the art. 68 Cost. This article was approved by the constituents without significant debate on the appropriateness..

Review is the main extraordinary means of appeal, governed by articles. 629 e ss. c.p.p. , with which it can be engraved, essentially and absolutely, on the irrevocability of the criminal judgement. The object of the request for revision is the conviction sentence, the sentence issued pursuant to art....

The European arrest warrant (“MAE”) is a simplified judicial surrender procedure for the purpose of criminal prosecution or execution of a sentence or a security measure involving deprivation of liberty. A warrant issued by the judicial authorities of a Member State is valid throughout its territory..

Anyone commits the crime of self-laundering, having committed or contributed to committing a non-negligent crime, employs, substitute, transfers, in economic activities, financial, entrepreneurial or speculative, money, the goods or other benefits deriving from the commission of this crime, in order to concretely hinder....

Anyone who makes an attempt on life, to the safety or personal freedom of the President of the Republic is punished with life imprisonment. The law protects the physical inviolability of the person of the Head of State, constitutional protection of the institutions of the Italian State. Crimes against the personality of the State are characterized by strong anticipation..

The right to be forgotten, recognized for the first time by European jurisprudence in the Google Spain SL case, Google Inc. vs. AEPD, Mario Costeja Gonzále (case C-131/12), is the right to obtain the elimination of personal data by the cd. intermediary (es. search engine), if the interested party....

Surrogacy, also known as "gestation for others" (GPA) o "uterus for rent", is prohibited by law. The reference legislation is law no. 40 of the 2004, which regulates medically assisted procreation. This law establishes that any form of surrogacy is….

With sentence no. 86 filed on 13 May 2024, the Constitutional Court has made a significant change to the crime of robbery, introducing a mitigation of the sentence in the presence of circumstances that reduce its severity. The Constitutional Court declared the constitutional illegitimacy of the art. 628,...