The investigative activity carried out by the defender has some specific peculiarities that distinguish it from that of the public prosecution: it is purely optional, as opposed to the typical compulsory investigations of the Public Prosecutor; has a unilateral purpose, in the sense that it aims exclusively at the defense of the client, where the Public Prosecutor, ex art....

The public official, that, for the exercise of its functions or powers, unduly receives, per se or for a third, money or other benefit, or accept the promise, is punished with imprisonment from three to eight years. Hypotheses of corruption are dealt with...

The Legislative Decree scheme. in terms of the reform of sanctions, it intervenes significantly on the crime of failure to pay VAT and withholdings, extending the moment of commission of the crime and giving prominence, for the purposes of exclusion from the criminal case, the existence of a debt repayment plan through installments. The enabling law n....

The law recognizes a general duty of diligence and prudence on anyone who keeps an animal and gives this person a position of guarantee in the event of harmful events. He comes, therefore, the owner of the animal is recognized as having a duty of care, which consists in the need to....

The failure to assist is placed in Title XII relating to crimes against the person, to the article 593 of the Criminal Code. It has: "Whoever, finding a child under the age of ten abandoned or lost, or another person unable to care for themselves, due to illness....

  L’art. 2634 c.c. provides for the criminal case of patrimonial infidelity and states: The administrators, the general managers and liquidators, that, having an interest in conflict with that of the company, for the purpose of obtaining an unfair profit or other advantage for oneself or others, they do....

The political-mafia exchange vote is a crime provided for by article 416-ter of the penal code. It was established to sever the illicit links between politics and organized crime. Punishes with imprisonment from 10 a 15 years the person who accepts the promise of votes obtained through intimidation or...

Review is the main extraordinary means of appeal, governed by articles. 629 e ss. c.p.p. , with which it can be engraved, essentially and absolutely, on the irrevocability of the criminal judgement. The object of the request for revision is the conviction sentence, the sentence issued pursuant to art....

The crime of issuing invoices or other documents for non-existent operations can be committed even when the person who provided the service has not been identified. In fact, the documentary mendacity fully achieves the illicit result of keeping the latter free from the VAT debt towards....

The public prosecutor being the person in charge of the investigations, if you need to carry out checks that require specific skills, he is allowed to make use of technical consultants who can provide specialist contributions in order to contribute to the investigative activity. During the preliminary investigations, the public prosecutor may need to carry out acts that….