Embezzlement is the crime of terrorism under Article. 646 the Criminal Code and belongs to the category of crimes against property. If the crime of theft guarantees the ownership through the protection of possession, misappropriation protects the rights of the owner when a breach of ownership ...

L’art. 656 c.p.p. It represents a transition from procedural cognitive phase, that ends with the res judicata of the judgment, to the execution phase, in which shall be put into execution of the sentence. The procedural order gives the p.m. the duty to issue the order ...

L’art. 7 of D, L. 152/1991 provides an aggravation of the penalty for the crimes committed under the conditions provided for in Article 416bis C.P., which incriminates the mafia-type associations, including foreign, or committed in order to facilitate the activities of these associations. The provision in question is split, therefore,...

The legislative decree. 74/2000 split two hypotheses sanctioning in case of non-payment of withholding certified and non-payment of VAT. Pursuant to Article 10-bis of Legislative Decree. 74/2000, entitled omitted payment of withholding certificate, It shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to two years anyone who does not pay, within the time limit set for the ...

The stolen goods is a criminal offense is provided for by Article. 648 c.p., punishing those who buy, He receives or conceals money or property deriving from any crime, or otherwise become involved in acquiring, receiving or concealing. The rationale underlying this crime is that prior to it either ...

The preliminary hearing before celebrating the G.U.P., and its function is to ensure that the judge checks the validity and the merits of the indictment formulated by p.m. . In addition to this, It can act as a seat for advance definition of the procedure, could the ...

The decree of summons to judgment is the act by which the p.m. prosecutes citing the accused to appear directly before the Judge Tribunal and is covered by the 'art. 552 c.p.p. . With this mode of vocatio in ius, being the p.m. to adopt the decree,...

Bankruptcy is a criminal case of bankruptcy criminal law, and it consists of a concealment activities of the royal heritage put in place by the agent, or a destabilization activities of the heritage, direct to realize insolvency, even simulated, to the detriment of creditors. The offenses ...

The judgment very direct way is a special criminal proceedings, requirements of Art. 449 e ss. del c.p.p., characterized by the preliminary hearing and lack of pre-trial phase. When a citizen is arrested in flagrante delicto, it p.m. It can introduce him into custody directly in front of the judge ...

The alternatives to detention (governed by Law. n. 354/1975) consist of the implementation of the various sentences from the execution of the sentence in prisons. The competence to decide on their concession is assigned to the Probate Court. They can access the detainees who highlighted ...