The Cuomo study & partners has always been active in the search of the best students and young lawyers, with the aim of contributing to the training and professional growth of the latter through constant training, creando in tal modo le condizioni perché ciascuno possa sviluppare...

The Cuomo study & partners has always chosen to embrace and integrate within their daily workflow the best available information technology. L’importanza e l’utilità dell’informatizzazione dello studio e di ogni aspetto dell’attività difensiva rappresentano un’opportunità di sviluppo e di gestione della attività professionale in...

The technical and defensive autonomy of substantive and procedural juvenile criminal law requires a careful analysis of the institutions that best characterize it, also and especially in view of the interests that are at stake in a legal proceeding against underage citizens. I professionisti dello studio hanno...

The Cuomo study & Partner provides court consultancy and assistance and legal defense in the criminal enterprise law, with particular reference to criminal implications related to criminal phenomena that are carried out on the occasion of carrying out economic activities, Business, industriali o...

The Cuomo study & Partner provides court consultancy and assistance and legal defense in criminal matters. The studio was founded in 2012 with the opening of the seat of Naples, from the confluence of the professional experience gained by the founder, the lawyer. Dario Cuomo, within the framework of law and criminal procedure. Professionalism, efficienza...