The crime of persecutory acts is supplemented by the conduct of bullying by the employer who puts in place a targeted reiteration of multiple attitudes converging in expressing hostility towards the employee and preordained for his mortification and isolation in the workplace: Employer's conduct..

There is the aggravating circumstance of the 'impaired defense' in the hypothesis of fraud committed through the sale of products online; in this case, the distance between the victim's location, who usually pays the price of the goods sold in advance, and what in which, instead, and...

The mitigating circumstance of provocation is provided for in art. 62 n. 2 of the penal code and consists in "having acted in a state of anger caused by an unjust act of another person". First of all, the extenuating circumstance in speech is a very different institution from provocation, i.e. the cause of justification provided for by art. 599 comma 2...

The right to be forgotten, recognized for the first time by European jurisprudence in the Google Spain SL case, Google Inc. vs. AEPD, Mario Costeja Gonzále (case C-131/12), is the right to obtain the elimination of personal data by the cd. intermediary (es. search engine), if the interested party deems them...

The oral evidence in criminal proceedings is taken through the cross-examination of the witness, ie the set of rules by which the parties may ask questions directly and orally to the heads. At the Judge has the direct control about the form, having the Judicial ...

John Falcone in 1992, at the first meeting of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at the United Nations, he hoped for the introduction of supranational legislation aimed at combating forms of organized crime. The achieved awareness of the...

On the subject of illegal subdivision, as established by the United Sections (as established by the United Sections 2020 as established by the United Sections), as established by the United Sections. 44, co. 2, as established by the United Sections 380/01 it can also be ordered in the presence of an extinguishing cause determined by the prescription of the crime provided that ...

Cannabis light refers to cannabis inflorescences that have a low THC content. The quantitative data of this active principle, which must be referred to in relation to the lawfulness of cultivation and consequent marketing, is established by Law no. 242/2016, which limits cultivation,...

Rehabilitation is an institute of substantial law counted among the extinguishing causes of the sentence and, as such, governed by the articles of the Criminal Code 178-181. It aims to facilitate the amendment of the offender by reintegrating him into the juridical position enjoyed until the conviction is pronounced through the elimination of the consequences..

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the probationary period accessed by the suspect /...