For the purposes of configuring the crime of mistreatment, the identification of systematic conduct is not required - notion, the latter, which sends to the pre-ordination and structuring of a real program aimed at humiliation and annihilation of the victim - being, instead, the habituality with respect to which the ...

On the subject of self-laundering, the term 'speculative activity', in accordance with the criteria of literal interpretation, teleological and extensive, it must be understood as inclusive not only of speculation that occurs in the financial or stock exchange sector, but also in the gaming and betting sector (sports or related ...

Regarding the responsibility of the competent doctor for the death of a worker, died as a result of an undiagnosed disease, the assumption of subjective reproach implies the predictability of the event that must be accomplished ex ante, referring to the time when the conduct was placed ...

Responsible for the slightest crime of death or injury as a consequence of another crime pursuant to art. 586 c.p., and not of voluntary homicide, the naturopath who, consulted following a diagnosis of cancer, exercising the medical profession illegally, prescribe for diet and mud treatment ....

The probative is a procedural institution that allows the anticipation of the phase of the test formation in the course of the preliminary investigations or in the preliminary hearing. It finds its ratio in the need to ensure those sources of evidence that for certain reasons, strictly defined by Article. 392 c.p.p.,...

They can be used in the procedural phase, and therefore in the precautionary accident and in any contractual proof rites, spontaneous declarations made by the person under investigation to the Judicial Police pursuant to art. 350, co. 7, c.p.p., as long as it is clear that the suspect has chosen to make them ...

On the subject of fraudulent asset bankruptcy, if the fact refers to relationships between companies belonging to the same group, the offense must be considered non-existent only if the indirect benefits for the bankrupt company prove capable of effectively compensating for the immediately negative effects and are ...

On the issue of libel or online publications journalistic tone, in order to set up exonerating the year of the record or right to criticize, conduct does not constitute in itself such as the fulfillment of the required burden of doing, in terms of content ...