In shutdown issue in flagrante delicto, the integration of the hypothesis of 'almost flagrante' presupposes that the police perceive directly the elements which suggests a high probability the responsibility of the person arrested and, then, there must be a direct perception of the suspect's 'surprise' ...

For the purposes of configurability of the crime of driving under the influence, the verbal the assessment carried out by breathalyzer must contain the certificate of the verification that the apparatus used for the alcoltests has been previously subjected to the prescribed and revised certificate and indispensable to the proper calibration. L’onere probatorio del completo...

On the issue of self-defense 'home', also in the light of the regulatory novum referred to L. 36/2019, detrimental for the reaction of the subject agent may be parted, for the existence of self-defense must be provided that the intrusion took place in the house with violence or threats (in...

In terms of precautionary measures, the relevance and practicality of the precautionary requirements should not be conceptually confused with actuality and reality of criminal behavior. The recurrence risk of criminal behavior (ex art. 274, co. 1, became. c. c.p.p.) can be legitimately deduced from the ...

In the case of driving under the influence is no obligation of prior notice to the driver involved in a road accident to be assisted by counsel of trust (in accordance with Articles 356 the Penal Code and 114 of the provisions implementing the code of ...

In the crime of stalking, the subjective element is integrated by the general intent, which it consists in the desire to engage in the conduct of threat and harassment in the awareness of the suitability of the same to the production of one of the events alternately provided by incriminating rule, is that,...

The aggravating circumstance of trivial reasons exists where the criminal determination has been induced by an external stimulus such lievità, banality and disproportion, compared to the seriousness of the offense, to appear, according to the common way of feeling, assolutamente insufficiente a provocare l’azione criminosa e da...

Responds of embezzlement representative of a company operating the hotel business who fails to pay the municipality the tourist tax. The crisis of liquidity of the company, It occurred at the time of the expiry of the payment of tax, has effectively excuse, unless...

The offense of assisted suicide (art. 580 c.p.) It is not unconstitutional, the working and the protection of the right to life, especially of people who could be induced to an extreme and irreparable chosen by conditions of weakness and vulnerability. These protection requirements are ...

On the subject of bankruptcy crimes, is configurable contest the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy by a person unrelated to failure if it is found, As to the subjective element, the voluntary nature of dell'extraneus conduct intake to that dell'intraneus, with the understanding that it determines a depletion ...