false attestation of inspection of motor vehicles

It integrates the crime of material forgery in an administrative certificate committed by a private individual, ex artt. 477 e 482 c.p., the formation of a false attestation of the revision of a vehicle with a foreign license plate, performed in the country of registration with a positive outcome, even when the false indication is placed on the registration document. And indeed, regarding false documents, the inspection label applied to the registration certificate of motorcycles and motor vehicles does not have the legal nature of a public document, but rather an administrative certificate, as it is intended to certify the positive outcome of the documented activity of the audit practice, of which it merely reproduces the effects. In tal senso, the certification of the successful vehicle inspection, even if affixed on the same paper support that hosts the registration document, constitutes an act distinct from it, whose certification function emerges from its specific object and function (Cass. 7900/19).