Environmental Criminal Law and Construction


Criminal activities contained in d.lgs. 152/2006 (water, aria, trash) and in the Penal Code (environmental crimes, unnamed disaster, jet dangerous, water poisoning, forest fire, crimes against animals) and the transformation of the Italian criminal environmental law after the Law. 68 of the 2015 sui c.d. eco-crimes are always treated materials with a high degree of specialization on the part of the professionals Cuomo study & partners.

The environment, doctrinally today stands as a third-generation human right and contemplated by constitutional provisions which raise him to the status of a fundamental right in the context of different countries, it is good legal act to be effectively protected by the criminal law, however, It requires changes in its dogmatic secular individualist defense of a right that is, at the same time, Individual and widespread.

The consolidated experience also gained in the field of criminal law and the building of urban criminal law allows the Cuomo study & partners to offer a highly qualified service in one of the areas Processual-criminal law of most interest to citizens reached an objection of this kind.