

The stolen goods is a criminal offense is provided for by Article. 648 c.p., punishing those who buy, He receives or conceals money or property deriving from any crime, or otherwise become involved in acquiring, receiving or concealing.

The rationale underlying this crime is that prior to it was committed a crime for which the receiver has not participated; the regulated directions purpose of the case in question is, indeed, prevent, put in place a crime, persons other than those who have committed derive benefit from things from the same.

The subjective element is the specific intent, which is to carry the offense with the knowledge of the criminal origin of the thing in order to procure for themselves or others a profit.

The conduct of stolen goods is divided into six forms: buy, receive, conceal, meddle in acquiring, receiving or concealing.

It notes with ease that meaningful concepts such as the purchase and brokering the purchase alongside concepts provided a much more elastic connotation (and to some extent indeterminate): receiving and concealing, as well as the intermediary in these activities, have stringent application perimeters, as they do not have any relevance to the specific world economy.