The structure of the Vassalli Code gives the parties powerful levers in the fertile terrain of the government of oral criminal evidence (c.d. parts process), of which the so-called. cross examination which in the sector of declarative proof represents the Novum organum (orality, Like this, assume...

In the event of a conviction being appealed, the sentence of acquittal in first instance is overturned (overturning), all the reasons put forward in support of the first degree acquittal decision must be specifically refuted, "promptly demonstrating the unsustainability on a logical and legal level of the most relevant arguments..

With sentence no. 21241 of the 17 March 2022 (dep. 31 May 2022), the First Criminal Section of the Court of Cassation has offered important indications regarding the rules for evaluating circumstantial evidence, with particular reference to the so-called. “false alibi” and at the behest of the defendant Art..

The subject of the prescription, starting from its nature, substantive rather than procedural, it is one of the most debated for the issues it raises in the relationship between domestic and European law. While the dialogue between national and European Courts is still ongoing, the institution of prescription..

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the probationary period accessed by the suspect /...

The decree of summons to judgment is the act by which the p.m. prosecutes citing the accused to appear directly before the Judge Tribunal and is covered by the 'art. 552 c.p.p. . With this mode of vocatio in ius, being the p.m. to adopt the decree,...