The case of the correo call, or call in the field, whatever you want to call it, refers to the hypothesis in which, the accusatory system is based, also, on the declarations made by a defendant against other co -defendants or by defendants for crimes connected or connected to the one for which ...

In the event of a conviction being appealed, the sentence of acquittal in first instance is overturned (overturning), all the reasons put forward in support of the first degree acquittal decision must be specifically refuted, "promptly demonstrating the unsustainability on a logical and legal level of the most relevant arguments..

With sentence no. 21241 of the 17 March 2022 (dep. 31 May 2022), the First Criminal Section of the Court of Cassation has offered important indications regarding the rules for evaluating circumstantial evidence, with particular reference to the so-called. “false alibi” and at the behest of the defendant Art..

Manslaughter is a crime provided for by art. 584 c.p. The law punishes with imprisonment from 10 a 18 years whoever causes the death of a man with acts aimed at committing one of the crimes provided for by the articles. 581 e 582 c.p. (beatings and injuries). It's about....

Bankruptcy is a legal concept that refers to the situation in which a person or company is unable to meet its financial and credit obligations. In general terms, bankruptcy involves the inability to pay debts when due, which can....

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the trial period you access...

The provision pursuant to art 648 to c.p., in predicting the criminal figure of money laundering, sanctions – except in cases of complicity in the crime – anyone who replaces or transfers money, goods or other benefits deriving from an intentional crime, or does in relation to them..

Review is the main extraordinary means of appeal, governed by articles. 629 e ss. c.p.p. , with which it can be engraved, essentially and absolutely, on the irrevocability of the criminal judgement. The object of the request for revision is the conviction sentence, the sentence issued pursuant to art....

Anyone commits the crime of self-laundering, having committed or contributed to committing a non-negligent crime, employs, substitute, transfers, in economic activities, financial, entrepreneurial or speculative, money, the goods or other benefits deriving from the commission of this crime, in order to concretely hinder....

With sentence no. 86 filed on 13 May 2024, the Constitutional Court has made a significant change to the crime of robbery, introducing a mitigation of the sentence in the presence of circumstances that reduce its severity. The Constitutional Court declared the constitutional illegitimacy of the art. 628,...