The guarantee information (commonly known with the athecs expression "guarantee notice") It is the act with which the public prosecutor, or the owner of the criminal action, informs the suspect and the offended person, of the fulfillment of an act of investigation that implies the technical defense, in relation to which ...

The case of the correo call, or call in the field, whatever you want to call it, refers to the hypothesis in which, the accusatory system is based, also, on the declarations made by a defendant against other co -defendants or by defendants for crimes connected or connected to the one for which ...

The investigative activity carried out by the defender has some specific peculiarities that distinguish it from that of the public prosecution: it is purely optional, as opposed to the typical compulsory investigations of the Public Prosecutor; has a unilateral purpose, in the sense that it aims exclusively at the defense of the client, where the Public...

The three forms of seizure provided for in the Criminal Procedure Code are evidentiary, conservative and budget. The seizure of evidence is a means of testing research; the remaining two belong to the genus of the precautionary measures. A common feature of the three types of sequestration is the affixing of a ...

According to what is established by the combined provisions of the new articles. 268 comma 4, 269 C.p.p. and 89-bis provisions. to. C.p.p., reports and wiretaps, together with the decrees they have issued, authorized, validated or extended the same, are stored in the recently introduced digital archive held...

The warranty information is the act by which the p.m. It informs the suspect debit provisional moved, with laws that are to be violated, the date and place of the event taken as a criminal whereby it was invited to appoint a defender of trust. The notification ...

The crime of fraud is intended to protect the assets and the free formation of consent within the taxable person. More specifically, Punishability does not derive only from damage to the individual's financial sphere, already protected by the regulations on contracts, but also of the public interest in....

The probative is a procedural institution that allows the anticipation of the phase of the test formation in the course of the preliminary investigations or in the preliminary hearing. It finds its ratio in the need to ensure those sources of evidence that for certain reasons, strictly defined by Article. 392 c.p.p.,...

The provision pursuant to art 648 to c.p., in predicting the criminal figure of money laundering, sanctions – except in cases of complicity in the crime – anyone who replaces or transfers money, goods or other benefits deriving from an intentional crime, or does in relation to them..

The investigative activity carried out by the defender has some specific peculiarities that distinguish it from that of the public prosecution: it is purely optional, as opposed to the typical compulsory investigations of the Public Prosecutor; has a unilateral purpose, in the sense that it aims exclusively at the defense of the client, where the Public Prosecutor, ex art....