The decree of summons to judgment is the act by which the p.m. prosecutes citing the accused to appear directly before the Judge Tribunal and is covered by the 'art. 552 c.p.p. . With this mode of vocatio in ius, being the p.m. to adopt the decree,...

L’art. 415 twice c.p.p. regulates the legal institution of the opinion of the suspect, preliminary investigations. With the provision in question the Legislator wanted to guarantee the suspect the possibility of concretely exercising his right of defense at a time prior to the exercise of the criminal action by the....

L’art. 415 twice c.p.p. governs the institution of the notice to the suspect of the conclusion of the preliminary investigations. With the provision in question the Legislator wanted to guarantee the suspect the possibility of concretely exercising his right of defense at a time prior to the exercise of criminal action by the Public..

L’art. 656 c.p.p. It represents a transition from procedural cognitive phase, that ends with the res judicata of the judgment, to the execution phase, in which shall be put into execution of the sentence. The procedural order gives the p.m. the duty to issue the order ...

The probative is a procedural institution that allows the anticipation of the phase of the test formation in the course of the preliminary investigations or in the preliminary hearing. It finds its ratio in the need to ensure those sources of evidence that for certain reasons, strictly defined by Article. 392 c.p.p.,...