The Cuomo study & Partner provides court consultancy and assistance and legal defense in criminal matters.

The studio was founded in 2012 with the opening of the seat of Naples, from the confluence of the professional experience gained by the founder, the lawyer. Dario Cuomo, within the framework of law and criminal procedure.

Professionalism, efficiency and transparency are the criteria that inspire the daily activity of the study components; an organization at the forefront of technological and computerization of every aspect of defensive allow a new and modern approach to professional performance Forensic carried out in the interest of the assisted.

The study aims, always, to follow an innovative approach and advanced technical-legal and technological, aimed at achieving excellent quality standards of the professional service offered.


  • L’ art. 10. del D.Lgs 74/2000 sanction the conduct constituted by the concealment or destruction of the accounting records or documents whose conservation is mandatory, when it derives the impossibility of the reconstruction of income and the volume of business. Tali scritture infatti hanno una fondamentale funzione......

  • The appeal by cassation is an ordinary means of appeal, that is to say proposable exclusively against a sentence that has not become definitive, to bound criticism, as the deductible reasons are strictly indicated by the legislator, consistent in a specific errors in the procedure o in a judging,......

  • The principle of secularism expressed by the Consulta with sentence n. 203 of the 1989, it was later clarified by other judgments, including those on the subject of crimes against religious sentiment, like the no. 508 of the 2000, with which it was expunged from the law......




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