The Cuomo study & Partner provides court consultancy and assistance and legal defense in criminal matters.

The studio was founded in 2012 with the opening of the seat of Naples, from the confluence of the professional experience gained by the founder, the lawyer. Dario Cuomo, within the framework of law and criminal procedure.

Professionalism, efficiency and transparency are the criteria that inspire the daily activity of the study components; an organization at the forefront of technological and computerization of every aspect of defensive allow a new and modern approach to professional performance Forensic carried out in the interest of the assisted.

The study aims, always, to follow an innovative approach and advanced technical-legal and technological, aimed at achieving excellent quality standards of the professional service offered.


  • Lo schema di D.Lgs. in tema di riforma delle sanzioni interviene in modo significativo sul reato di omesso versamento di IVA e ritenute, dilatando il momento di consumazione del reato e dando rilievo, ai fini dell’esclusione dalla fattispecie penale, all’esistenza di un piano di estinzione del debito mediante rateizzazione. La legge delega......

  • The law recognizes a general duty of diligence and prudence on anyone who keeps an animal and gives this person a position of guarantee in the event of harmful events. He comes, therefore, the owner of the animal is recognized as having a duty of care, che consiste nella necessità di......

  • The failure to assist is placed in Title XII relating to crimes against the person, to the article 593 of the Criminal Code. It has: "Whoever, finding a child under the age of ten abandoned or lost, or another person unable to care for themselves, per malattia di......




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